My name is Marchelle Amadea. God has blessed me to be an artist and fashion designer. I am also a mother, PK, Leo lady, and the list could go on. I am based in Rock Hill, South Carolina. Art and fashion are a vital part of my life.


I started my brand in 2016, a year after my sister passed away. I needed a way to vent; art and prayer are my outlets. Marchelle is my name, and Amadea was my sister’s name. My entire brand is dedicated to her and individuals who do not have the opportunity to live out their dreams.

The Safari Showcase is a creative brand that takes you on a journey to the “wild side.” My showcase features mainly art, but fashion as well. The mission of Safari Showcase is to enhance the lives of others through the stories of art, showcase the “wild side” of fashion, and impact others through this journey called life.


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